Our subsidiary ORFEA Acoustique Développement, dedicated our activity in R&D, welcomes Elwin PIQUET as its new Business Development Assistant.
Under the responsibility of our operational marketing Project Manager and in accordance to the strategy established by Frédéric LAFAGE, he will be in charge of the prospection (phoning) and will participate in the writing of business offers and in the development of news features for our product.
Thanks to his varied experiences abroad – UK and in an hispanic environment in Argentina and Spain – he will pursue our goal to export our product.
Elwin, 23 yo, owns a Commercial diploma (2 years after the French Baccalauréat – DUT) which he is completing with a Master 2 in Managing Innovation (IAE School, Limoges, France).
He benefits from a wide variety of interesting internships, especially on event planning start-up in Paris as Business Developer.